
Wayne E. Marchand


AmeriAsian School

Post 28 Hosts AmerAsian School Christmas Party

By William Berry

The American Legion hosted the annual AmerAsian school Christmas party at the Crow’s Nest club on Camp Shields on Saturday, 17 December 2017; seventy-one students were in attendance.

Students and teachers, dressed in their holiday best, enjoyed a lunch buffet of spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and pizza with Christmas cookies for dessert.  Following lunch, as a way of saying thank you, a group of the younger students sang “Silent Night” while two students from the upper class performed a rendition of “Hotel California” on electric guitars. 

After the performances Santa Claus entered the ballroom with much fanfare, greeted the students and passed out presents and candy.  The American Legion and the Legion Riders provided two presents for each student in attendance; everything from stuffed animals, backpacks, and Barbie dolls, to basketballs, yo-yo’s and Star Wars light-sabers.  After all the gifts were distributed, student opened their presents, shared with friends and in a sugar fueled frenzy, raced around the room.  While the students were playing, teachers rounded up their classes for group photos with Santa.

The AmerAsian school is a kindergarten through 9th grade school located in Ginowan City, Okinawa that provides education in both English and Japanese.  The American Legion holds two parties for students from the AmerAsian school annually; a summer fun day, and a Christmas Party.  The Legion has been a supporter of the school since its founding in 1997 and has been hosting an annual school Christmas party since 1999.

Post Commander Ernst and Santa - Dec 2015

(Page Updated - 11 Jan 2015)